18.10.2024 | 09:33

Cookies Policy



This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and recover the information when navigating. In general, these technologies can be used for various purposes, such as recognising you as a user, obtaining information about your navigation habits or personalising the way you visualise the content.

Some cookies are controlled and managed by the owner of the website (called “first-party cookies”), and others that third parties manage (known as “third-party cookies”), for example, because they provide a tool of functionality integrated into the website.

We make the following specific uses of these technologies:


On this website, we use the following cookies:

  1. Technical or essential Cookies for providing the services: These are cookies that enable users’ navigation of a website, platform or application and the use of different options and services these provide. This includes cookies that enable the management and operation of the website as well as functions and services, for example, controlling traffic and data processing; identification of a session; access to restricted areas; remembering elements of an order; processing a purchase; managing payments; control frauds in connection with the security of the service; request inscription or participation in an event; count visits for license invoicing purposes for the software on which the service runs (website, platform or application); use security elements during navigation; store contents for transmitting videos or sound; enable dynamic contents (for example, animation of loading a text or image); share contents through social networks. This category also includes cookies to manage our advertising spaces based on technical criteria like edited content, the frequency in which ads are shown or control of the potential client’s origin once he has activated an advertising link on a website associated with affiliate marketing programs.
    These cookies are exempt from compliance with the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI.
    We herewith inform our users that, when accessing third parties’ contents or social networks that might be shown on our website, the entities responsible for these may install their cookies with objectives that might exceed purely technical purposes. We have no control over these cookies, and we don’t process any data these may collect. You can disable these cookies in your browser configuration as described in the section “HOW CAN I MANAGE COOKIES?”.
    You can obtain more information in these third parties’ cookies policies following the links below:
  2. Cookies for analytical and measuring purposes: We use third-parties cookies that enable quantification of the users and allow us to measure and analyse their use of the offered services statistically. For that reason, they analyse your navigation on our website to improve the products and services we offer you.
    Consult the list of third parties that process the information obtained with these cookies in the section “Third Party Cookies”.
    To accept or reject the use of this type of cookie, you can access the configuration panel here.


You can obtain information about data transfers to third countries that, where applicable, are made by third parties identified in this Cookies Policy in their corresponding policies (see the links provided in the section “Third-Party Cookies”).


Certain cookies are cancelled once the user has finished browsing the website (session cookies). In contrast, others may be stored in the user’s computer and be accessed for a more extended period (persistent cookies).

Expiry of third-party cookies: You can obtain information about data conservation periods of third-party cookies in their corresponding policies (see the links provided in the section “Third-Party Cookies”).


The installation of third-party cookies may involve the collection of personal browsing data, such as IP addresses or these companies’ online identifiers for marketing or other purposes for which they are responsible. You can obtain information about the processing of personal data that, where applicable, are made by third parties identified in this Cookies Policy and about how to exercise your rights in their corresponding policies (see the links provided in the section “Third-Party Cookies”).

As far as we are concerned, the information obtained from cookies may only be associated with a specific user if that user is identified on the website. If so, such data will be processed in accordance with the provision of our web privacy policy.

Affected users may at any time exercise their right to request access, rectification or deletion, limitation of processing and portability of their data. They may also object to the processing of their data and issue a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can find more information about data protection in our privacy policy.


You can manage cookies using the settings panel or your browser settings.

  • Cookie settings panel
  • Browser settings: You can allow or block cookies and delete your browsing data (included in the cookies) from the browser you are using. Consult the options and instructions provided by your browser to do so. Please note that you will need to delete third-party cookies from your browser options if you accept third-party cookies.

To disable third-party advertising cookies, users can also visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) opt-out page. http://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp).

If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use all the web’s functionalities.


Analytics or measuring GOOGLE ANALYTICSy GOOGLE TAG MANAGER Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway. Mountain View, CA 94043. EE.UU. You can learn more about how GOOGLE ANALYTICS works and the cookies used by this service by following the links below: You can disable GOOGLE ANALYTICS cookies by installing in your browser the opt-out plug-in created by Google and available in the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en
Analytics or measuring ADARA ANALYTICS Adara, Inc. 2625 Middlefield Road #827 Palo Alto, CA 94303. EE.UU. You can learn more about how ADARA ANALYTICS works and the cookies used by this service by following the link below:


You can disable ADARA ANALYTICS cookies following Adara, Inc.’s instructions in the following link: https://adara.com/company/opt-out/