18.01.2025 | 09:01

Salamanca lights up its cultural heritage at night

1 June, 2022

Salamanca has launched an interesting initiative that is certain to become a draw for local Tourism and provides a unique attraction by lighting up the city’s most beautiful buildings, iconic monuments and streets that comprise its historic centre. The result features Golden light that soaks the city centre.

This beautiful effect is largely thanks to the Villamayor stone, a sandstone widely used in the area, which has been fitted with thousands of LED lights- the main square of the city (Plaza Mayor) features 1,155 lights alone-which reduce energy consumption by a third when compared with traditional halogen bulbs. The City Council invested 474,000 euros in this ambitious project to light up the city.

However, the result is certainly worth it, given that the city centre and its buildings now feature a Golden glow that turns heads and has become a symbol of identity for a city where lighting is paramount., On the banks of the River Tormes, the light has a profound visual effect, helping to showcase the authentic magic found in Salamanca. The new lighting has also played an essential role in protecting the city’s artistic and cultural heritage.