Santiago’s Jacobean Holy Year will continue throughout 2022
8 June, 2022The Jubilee Holy Year, more commonly known as the Xacobeo, which is celebrated in the iconic Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) on years during which the Grand Feast of the Apostle Santiago falls on a Sunday, attracting pilgrims from around Europe and further afield, has undergone a huge change. While it should have been celebrated in 2021 and would normally have been wrapped up by now, it had to be extended into 2022 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
This marks a significant change as it has never been seen before. Bearing in mind that the Xacobeo has been celebrated since the Year 1126, it’s an impressive fact. According to tradition, pilgrims make their journey on the traditional Camino de Santiago to the Santiago de Compostela cathedral with the aim of obtaining full indulgence or forgiveness for their sins under Catholic beliefs. At the same time, they have the opportunity to enjoy the trip and their stay in the Galician city.

In 2022, with a view to promoting the exciting Xacobeo events after the pandemic, local authorities and the tourist industry itself have launched diverse initiatives, including a programme of more than 70 concerts and festivals featuring more than 300 artists expected to attract both the younger and older generations alike. Pilgrims should bear in mind that the city’s Holy Gate (Puerta Santa) will remain open until December 31st.