17.02.2025 | 21:41

This is what post-pandemic nightlife in Spain looks like

21 September, 2022

A younger public, earlier opening hours, the decline of the ‘botellón’, and the emergence of the ‘tardeo’ (*) are some of the new habits that the health crisis has created amongst regular nightlife consumers, according to the results of the “Study on the Impact of COVID in leisure venues and their prospects for recovery”, conducted by the National Federation of Businessmen of Leisure and Entertainment (España de Noche) and Coca-Cola.

These changes, which will affect and interest international tourists visiting Spain, are due to the long period of time nightlife venues and clubs spent closed, alongside the restrictions implemented to curb the pandemic. Consumption habits and behaviours associated with nightlife were, of course, forced to change.

According to the conclusions of the study, the average age of the public attending these establishments is now 29.1 years old, whereas in 2019 it was 31 years old on average. It should be noted that the data was collected from a sample of more than 700 nightclubs, bars and concert venues in Spain.

* Tardeo: Going out for tapas or a drink in the evening, mainly by an adult public.