18.10.2024 | 06:44

Zaragoza: 320 events and 1,200 MICE events in 2022

11 January, 2023

Congress and event activity in Zaragoza throughout 2022 “has been reactivated in a remarkable way, with excellent data, although the pre-pandemic data has still not been reached”, stated the Minister of Culture and Outreach Programmes, Sara Fernández.

In 2022, 323 events and 1,200 work meetings of under 50 people were held in Zaragoza, which represents an increase in activity of 137% compared to 2021. This indicates that the path of recovery of the events market has begun in a decisive way, although, if compared to 2019 (530 events) it is still 39% below.

As for the economic impact, it is estimated that in 2022, the city’s conference activity reported 60 million euros, including direct and indirect expenses, thanks to the attendance of 78,000 delegates at the events. Zaragoza is not as well known a MICE destination as other Spanish cities but thrives in this segment.