08.09.2024 | 18:09

Spanish hotels, closer to certifying their sustainability

18 January, 2023

The Hotel Technology Institute (ITH) is committed to Bioscore, the platform that manages all the information related to sustainability and establishes action plans to obtain sustainability certificates. This alliance comes at the best moment for the start-up, since it recently won the EY Award for the Best Sustainable Tourism Project.

This responds to the objective of promoting the idea that hotels can use Bioscore technology to encourage sustainability to continue being a decision factor in the online reservation market. ITH has set itself the goal of providing the hotel sector with a series of specific actions and measures that help them achieve sustainability goals, as well as reducing the environmental and social impact caused by tourism.

The model fits perfectly with the certification proposal to control different variables of energy efficiency, water use, waste management, thermal enclosure systems, accessibility, policy and CSR, etc. In this sense, Bioscore will serve to “democratise” access to sustainability, by bringing innovation and technology to the entire hotel sector.