24.01.2025 | 21:20

More high-speed trains between Malaga and Madrid

25 January, 2023

Since January 23, Renfe has increased the offer of high-speed train (AVE) services between Madrid and Malaga. In this way, 160 weekly trains will link the cities which means the incorporation of 14 new trains weekly. This means the incorporation of two daily trains, one in each direction; increase in seats/trains at weekends; and the increase in the late trains leaving both Madrid and Malaga.

The two new daily services which have just been incorporated are the AVE departing from Madrid at 8:30 p.m. and from Malaga at 8:00 p.m. Until now, both only circulated on Fridays and Sundays. In addition, there are six times more services at weekends and more on Fridays where the offer rises to 25 trains compared to the 22 which had been operating up to now.

With regard to the late trains, as well as those mentioned which will circulate daily, on Fridays the last train from Madrid will leave at 9:30 p.m., and from Malaga the last one will leave on Sundays at 9:18 p.m., extending the travel options to the coast at weekends. This new offer meets the demand for evening travel between both cities.