10.03.2025 | 09:37

Renfe is the most responsible transport company in Spain

12 April, 2023

Renfe leads the sector ranking of the most responsible companies in passenger transport, according to the results of the Merco Responsibility ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) 2022 report, prepared by Merco (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor). This is a reputational evaluation instrument which includes the 100 best valued companies for their Responsibility.

As well as the general and sectoral, 3 other rankings on the environment have been prepared; internal sphere, customers and society and at ethical and governance level. Overall, Renfe is ranked 24th out of the 100 most responsible companies, two places above last year. At sector level, Renfe is 1st in the passenger transport sector.

Regarding the new rankings, Renfe is in 16th position among the most environmentally responsible companies; in 26th place in the internal sphere, customers and society and 34th at ethical and governance level. 49,073 surveys were carried out (including 25 sources of information have been taken as a benchmark) to prepare the Merco Responsibility ESG 2022 report.