19.02.2025 | 06:07

Spain launches 175 tourism sustainability projects

31 May, 2023

The Tourism Sector Conference held in May at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, to which Turespaña belongs, has approved a total of 175 tourism sustainability projects corresponding to the 3rd Extraordinary Call for Proposals of the Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destination 2023 programme, financed with 478 million euros from the Next Generation EU funds of the Recovery Plan.

For the Minister Héctor Gómez, “these projects represent a step forward in improving the competitiveness of our tourist destinations and a commitment to a new, more sustainable and digital model that increases their capacity to bring cohesion to the territory. They also allow us to diversify our tourism offer and to de-seasonalise the flow of travellers who visit us”.

© Flo Dahm

Of the selected plans, 160 will be managed by local entities and 15 correspond to cohesion actions to be developed by the regions, but which will also have an impact on the destinations. By type of destination, 75 correspond to rural destinations with a tourist identity, 34 to mixed/residential sun and beach destinations, 21 to cities with a tourist identity, 8 to urban tourist destinations and the rest are divided between rural coastal destinations (5), natural areas (5), highly internationalised sun and beach destinations (11) and large urban destinations (1).