09.03.2025 | 15:21

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria updates its tourism branding

30 August, 2023

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has updated its tourism brand identity in order to update the messages the city expresses and the dialogue it maintains with visitors. The redesign of the destination’s tourism brand is one of the actions proposed by the 2022-2024 Tourism Marketing Plan.

The capital’s brand, 'Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City of Sea and Cultures', is updated and replaces the one created in 2009: “A destination’s identity is not a fixed photo.” Just as the way we travel has changed, so has the city itself and, of course, the different communication formats we use every day. It was time to tackle its modernisation so that we can identify ourselves more in the city, be seen better and be remembered more”, said the city council.

Precisely, embracing new communication languages, improving the legibility of the brand and the identification of the name of the city in the new digital media and in the current advertising media are some of the improvements sought by the new logo.