Renfe digitises the management of security emergencies on trains
1 November, 2023Anticipation in order to neutralise an incident does not only require quick decisions, but in order to make the most appropriate ones, it is essential to have as much data as possible and to have the capacity to analyse it in real time. This is the key to preventing risks and saving lives.
That is why Renfe, in its commitment to security thanks to digital transformation, has recognised the startup Unblur as the winner of the Digitalisation of Security Systems challenge of the V TrenLab Call for Proposals. This is further proof that Renfe is at the forefront of the railway sector.

Unblur is a platform for security teams, in the room or in the field, which offers them all the relevant information in the environment of the incident: cartographic information, emergency reports, exchange of information with multiple users simultaneously, tracking of means and personnel, immediate and centralised access to video sources such as CCTV, drones, bodycams, smartphones and helicopters, to name but a few.