18.01.2025 | 19:29

86% of tourists who visit Madrid are satisfied

14 February, 2024

Forward by Kleber Group’s Travel Trends Radar observatory has published a new study on the tourist attractiveness of Madrid in 2023. According to data provided by Mabrian Technologies, a tourism intelligence services company, the overall satisfaction rate of tourists who visited Madrid last year rose to 86 %.

This represents an improvement of 2.38 % over 2022 and is 4.89 % higher than the average overall satisfaction rate of tourists who visited Spain last year. In line with data collected by Shiji ReviewPro, a leading online reputation solution for the hospitality industry, the city’s online reputation index was 85.4 per cent in 2023, 0.9 points higher than in 2022.

These results confirm the data provided by Shiji ReviewPro’s third quarter 2023 online reputation report, which ranked the Spanish capital as the fourth best rated European city by tourists. What’s more, in the recently published Euromonitor International ranking, Madrid is the third most attractive city in the world for tourism behind Paris and Dubai.