27.07.2024 | 05:57

Madrid, Catalonia and Canary Islands, the most LGTBI+ Friendly destinations

24 April, 2024

The Region of Madrid, Catalonia and the Canary Islands are perceived as the most LGTBIQ+ Friendly tourist destinations in Spain, according to a survey conducted by Yougov, a company specialising in market research.

This index includes metrics related to image attributes, based on the association of each destination with concepts such as safety, perception as an LGTBI+ Friendly destination, nightlife, gastronomic offer, accessible destination for all budgets, etc.

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Ranking of LGTBI+ Friendly destinations in Spain

  • Region of Madrid 36.32%

  • Catalonia 24.21%

  • Canary Islands 23.68%

  • Andalusia 17.37%

  • Balearic Islands 16.84%

  • Region of Valencia 14.74%

  • Basque country 10.00%

  • Galicia 8.42%

  • Cantabria 7.37%

  • Castile la Mancha 6.84%

  • Castilla y León 6.32%

  • Extremadura 6.32%

  • Asturias 6.32%

  • Aragon 5.79%

  • La Rioja 5.79%

  • Murcia 4.74%

  • Navarra 3.68%