07.03.2025 | 04:29

What Valencia is doing to be a more sustainable destination

29 May, 2024

In the city of Valencia, to achieve a balance between the needs of visitors and those of residents, “we’ll work to maintain an acceptable growth rate for the carrying capacities and the maintenance of the destination’s values”, explained Tono Franco, director of Visit Valencia since September, in an interview with HOSTELTUR.

The manager faces this new stage of the promotional agency with the idea of positioning the city as a destination to “live, invest and enjoy”. To do this, “we’ll manage with data and knowledge,” he said. “We’ll take advantage of its diversity, taking into account culture, gastronomy, sports, shows, music... to make a proposal based on authenticity, on lifestyle,” he clarified.

This year, Valencia is the European Green Capital, a recognition by the European Union of its efforts in terms of sustainability. “Tourists perceive an area that is very well cared for and sustainable in its lifestyle and its environmental value”, said Franco in relation to the impression that visitors receive of the Valencian capital.