31.03.2025 | 20:15

Wine tourism is on the rise; it is already considered an economic driver

3 July, 2024

The number of visitors to the wineries and wine museums associated with the Wine Routes of Spain increased by 18.2% in 2023 over the previous year, to almost three million, according to data from the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN). An increase in travellers which, in turn, boosted the economic impact of wine tourism to over 102 million euros.

The latest edition of the 'Annual Report on Visits to Wineries and Wine Museums' prepared by ACEVIN through the Tourism Observatory of the Wine Routes of Spain, appreciates an “excellent evolution of wine tourism in our country, as well as the complete recovery after the global standstill of 2020”.

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The improvement in the results is a reflection of the incorporation of new routes to this product club (the Almansa Wine Route joined in 2023 and there are now 37) and the higher average expenditure of wine tourists.