19.09.2024 | 03:07

Air capacity from UK to Spain grows by 7.9% in September

11 September, 2024

Airlines have scheduled 11.8 million seats on their international flights to Spain this September, compared to the 11 million seats offered in the same month in 2023, i.e. +10.9% interannual increase.

This is revealed in Turespaña’s monthly report on the country’s expected air capacity from a selection of 20 outbound tourism markets, which together account for 85.8% of the total number of international seats forecast for the country in the month. Variation rates are calculated on seats offered on flights during the same period in 2023.

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Comparing seat forecasts for September 2024 with those for the same date in 2023, the good performance of the main source markets continues with United Kingdom (+7.9%), Germany (+8.3%), Italy (+14.7%) and France (+6.5%).