19.02.2025 | 07:03

Canaries promote themselves as destination with video game

5 February, 2025

The regional government of the Canaries has launched a video game on the well-known international platform Roblox to promote its offer. “We continue to innovate through creative ways and new channels to connect with different audiences, whom we invite to virtually explore our islands and appreciate their biodiversity,” explained the Regional Minister of Tourism, Jéssica de León, during the presentation of this initiative.

The video game is called Find the Seasouls and is an experience designed to encourage care for the environment among the new generations of travellers in a fun and educational way. It is already available on Roblox, the immersive global social platform with over 80 million daily active users worldwide and which has become one of the main meeting places for Generation Alpha, people born from 2010 onwards, and Generation Z, young people between 18 and 25 years old.

“Our tourism promotion calls for respect for the natural parks, protected areas and biodiversity of the islands, not just as a sun and beach destination,” said the councillor.