19.02.2025 | 09:34

Ifema Madrid welcomes the world’s leading Heart Congress

25 May, 2022

The biggest international congress devoted to heart failure is to be held at Ifema Madrid from May 21st-25th. The conference, organised by the Heart Failure Association (HFA), goes by the name Heart Failure and provides a forum for the sharing of expert medical knowledge where the latest developments and technologies are explored.

The congress bring together around 3,500 surgeons, cardiologists, diverse general practitioners, specialists in heart health and promoters from the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Attendees enjoy a programme filled with scientific demonstrations and symposiums given by leading global experts in the field.

Additionally, for those who are unable to attend, or prefer to attend online, organisers have put together an interactive experience featuring the opportunity to directly ask questions, connect with other doctors and visit discussion forums where the most innovative medical research will be shared. Networking sessions, seminars and a supplementary exposition will also be held.