08.09.2024 | 17:58

2040. : zero emissions in Spanish airports

11 January, 2023

The managing entity of Spanish airports, Aena, has once again achieved the highest rating awarded by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in terms of climate change,whereby the evaluation of actions carried out in terms of decarbonisation and environmental protection have been assessed.

Over the last few months, Aena has continued working on the objectives of its Sustainability Strategy, which includes the company’s Climate Action Plan, thus promoting a more sustainable aviation model, to make progress in the decarbonisation of its activity and its value chain.

Now, the airport entity has seen its efforts in this area recognised with an A rating, the highest level awarded by CDP, which places AENA above the European average and its sector. In 2022, of the 15,000 companies presented, only 283 achieved the maximum qualification, a mere 17 of which are Spanish, including Aena.