19.02.2025 | 07:19

Casual certifies the sustainability of its hotels

8 March, 2023

Casual Hotels wants to be actively respectful with the environment. And after carrying out the corresponding assessments, all the hotels of the Valencian group (except the franchisees) have obtained the Ecostars hotel sustainability certificate which is recognised by the World Tourism Organization and is the most widespread in our country.

These certificates value multiple axes of sustainability, such as energy and water efficiency, CO2 emissions, waste management and recycling, the use of renewable energy, sustainable sources, social ethics and sustainable food, among other variables. In all these fields, the establishments of Casual Hotels “obtained extremely significant evaluations” explained the president of the chain, Juan Carlos Sanjuán.

In this sense, the Spanish chain’s assessed hotel obtained Ecostars certification after demonstrating they rely on extensive measures to minimise its environmental impact. Furthermore, the average grade obtained “is very differentiating and is in the high range both at national and international level” he stated.