92 projects to improve Historical Heritage for tourist use
24 July, 2024A total of 92 projects, presented by local entities and regions, will receive 208.5 million euros to improve the tourist use of Spain's Sites of Cultural Interest (BIC), as confirmed by Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism, when announcing the aid line of the Programme for the Improvement of Competitiveness and Revitalisation of Historical Heritage for Tourist Use.
The projects have been selected taking into account the characteristics of the destination and their viability, quality and tourism potential. The assessment criteria also include destinations at risk of depopulation, in order to boost their tourism potential and strengthen social and territorial cohesion.

The actions to be carried out include the conservation, maintenance, enhancement and refurbishment of properties declared as BIC for tourist use. It also includes improving accessibility, energy efficiency, saving water and energy resources, and reducing and offsetting the carbon footprint, among other measures.