31.03.2025 | 20:24

Galicia boosts its offer to grow as a MICE destination

6 November, 2024

Galicia has carried out the Galicia MICE promotional action in Madrid, promoted by the Professional Organisation of the Galician sector and Tourism, to share the potential of the Galician Community in this field with businessmen and women from the sector. “Meeting tourism generates over 43 million euros a year in our region”, said the Director of Tourism, Xosé Merelles, during the meeting.

“Meeting tourism in Galicia has experienced a remarkable development over the last 10 years, due, in large part, to the increase and improvement of the infrastructures necessary for the development of this tourism product,” said Merelles. Its promotion is thus one of the priority actions in the Galician Tourism Strategy 2030.

Furthermore, the director of Tourism of Galicia highlighted the increase in hotel accommodation, the creation of conference centres and Galician’s uniqueness by offering special places to hold events such as manor houses or monasteries, the improvement in mobility and the emergence of specialised companies, as determining factors in this boom.